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Goodnight (Single and Video)

Goldy lockS

Label: Goldy lockS

Release Date: June 9, 2012

Review Date: August 12, 2012



Goldy lockS is the flamboyant frontwoman of the band that bears her name.  She is a former pro-wrestling personality as well as a musician in her own right and has been called “America’s Everywoman”.  


This everywoman and her band has just released a compelling new single entitled, Goodnight.  Inspired by the death of a close friend – and her own mother terminally ill – the song is about mortality and life in the hereafter.  To drive the message further home, the band produced a full-blown concept performance video. 


Goldy says of the song and accompanying video, “I believe death to be a place of light.  At the end of the video, we walk into the light and the message is one of passing on to somewhere good.  The characters could remain on the earth as vampires, but choose eternal light on a heavenly plane instead”.  


The song is performed strongly and as well as any more established arena rock band ever could.  If this band continues to produce tunes and performances at this level of excellence, it will not be surprising at all to see them attain “arena rock” status level. 


Boomerocity is keeping an eye on Goldy lockS because we suspect that we’ll continue to hear great things about them.




Written by Randy Patterson               
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