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bluesofdesperationJoe Bonamassa
Label: J&R Adventures
Released: March 25, 2016

Love it. Buy it. (The standard short version of any Boomerocity review of Bonamassa releases).

If you’re a Joe Bonamassa fan, you’re going to love his latest release of all new, original material on the CD, “Blues of Desperation”. Raw. Gritty. Moving. It all reflects yet another visit by Bonamassa to the fabled crossroads . . . with the hounds of Hell nipping at his heels.

The whole darn album is phenomenal so, as usual, we can pick real “favorites” so I’ll randomly pick three tunes to highlight.

Mountain Climbing: This stomper demands that you hit the repeat button continuously. The hard driving sound of this tune will embed itself into your audio DNA and never let go.

How Deep The River Runs: Dark. Moody. Very Clapton-esque. Love it.

What I’ve Known For A Very Long Time: Me thinks JB is channeling B.B. King on this one. Yeah, it’s that good.

Buy the album, folks. It’s some of Bonamassa’s best work, yet!