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JD & The Straight Shot

(Opening Act for Eagles)

Bridgestone Arena – Nashville, Tennessee

DSC 0040Photo taken by Alisa B. CherryFor those who read their e-mail and are on top of what was going on at the Eagles concert last night at Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena, they took advantage of a very special, musical treat: JD & The Straight Shot.

This top-shelf Americana band was the perfect opener for the iconic Eagles. As Boomerocity readers already know from our interview with JD’s Marc Copley (here), the Straight Shot is no stranger to performing with Don Henley and the boys.

From the git-go JD and the band dumped a fresh dose of homeland Americana with “Never Alone” – one of several tunes from their new disc, “Good Luck And Good Night”. After welcoming their hometown crowd, they immediately, they slid right into “Redemption Train”.

Tight harmonies and light-hearted energy carried “Moonlight” and grabbed the arena’s attention even more decisively. Which brings up an excellent fact:

Those who think that Americana isn’t “arena worthy” are just flat wrong and JD & The Straight Shot are shining examples.

When JD started in with “Perdition” (from their “Ballyhoo” disc), I first thought they were going to do a bluegrass version of Bon Jovi’s “Dead Or Alive” – which wouldn’t have been a bad thing – but I was wrong. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this as much as their closing number (you’ll have to read further to see what that is).

Also performed from “Ballyhoo” were “Better Find a Church” before jumping to the title cut from their “Run For Me” album. All these tunes made me want to make sure that I get the rest of the band’s catalog.

Yeah, they’re that great!

JD & The Straight Shot rounded out their set for the evening with Under That Hood, The Ballad of Jacob Marley, and Glide before doing an amazing cover of Three Dog Night’s “Shambala”. That performance, alone, was well worth the price of the ticket for anyone there.

If you’re catching one of the stops for the Eagles’ shows during their tour – and you find out that JD & The Straight Shot are the opening act, be sure to get there in time to catch them. You’ll be delightfully entertained.

Find out more about the band at their website,