Posted August 2020
One thing that Boomerocity LOVES is being pleasantly and surprisingly introduced to talent we’ve not heard before – especially if they’ve been around for a while. Such is the case with “maverick pop-rock troubadour”, Tom Fuller.
If you read nothing else from this review, read these two bullet points:
- Boomerocity LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Tom Fuller’s “Waterfall”. We really, truly do!
- Buy it.
This is one of those kinds of albums that sound “classic” while having the freshness of being totally new music. Well written. Well played. Well sung. Well recorded. The whole package. Read our review of it here.
After hearing the album, Boomerocity wanted to chat with Tom to find out more about the man and his music. I called him at his home in the Chicago area and we immediately hit it off and had an amazing visit. The video to the right is of the Zoom chat we had. Check it out. After watching it, please be sure to order Waterfall by clicking on the photo of the album on the left.
We consider Tom a new, fond friend and look forward to many more years of music from him. Keep up with him like we are by visiting his website,