Watch current interviews with music and entertainment icons and influencers of the baby boomer generation as well as rising stars in music.

Posted December 2021

ChristmasInABubbleCoverThe year of 2021 is ending up being a phenomenal year this year with tons of great interviews having taken place. In fact, 2021 is closing out to be the most prolific year, interview wise, in the entire life (to date) of Boomerocity.

Because of that, I think it’s especially “poetic” that the last Christmas-oriented piece for 2021 is with Jennifer Saran and Narada Michael Walden. Jennifer is an incredibly talented and prolific singer/songwriter in the areas of adult pop and contemporary jazz. Narada is no stranger to Boomerocity. I had the privilege of interviewing him five years ago (here). As you’ll read in that interview, he’s a renowned producer, musician, and recording artists. The two together are creative dynamos who, when they put their talents and ideas together, the result is amazing music.

As great as that is, it’s even better when it comes to their Christmas music. That is especially true this year with their new Christmas single, “Christmas In A Bubble”. The music video for that song is to the right. Give it a good, close listen. Listen to the brief interview below, with Jennifer (dialing in from New York) and Narada (dialing in from Southern California). After you enjoy it, share it with your friends.

Keep up with Jennifer Saran at here website (here), Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. The same goes for Narada Michael Walden. Visit his website, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

The Boomerocity Interview With Jennifer Saran & Narada Michael Walden


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