Watch current interviews with music and entertainment icons and influencers of the baby boomer generation as well as rising stars in music.

Posted July 2022

Screen Shot 2022 06 29 at 7.29.30 PMHow does a teenager from Brooklyn, New York, become a publisher of a fanzine of his favorite rock and roll band, get into their inner circle, become good friends with two of the band members, help one of the bands write a book, and hang with them around the world?

By dreaming, acting, and being persistent.

That is the story of Bill German, publisher of the Rolling Stones fanzine, Beggars Banquet, and author of the book, Under Their Thumb: How A Nice Boy From Brooklyn Got Mixed Up With The Rolling Stones and Lived To Tell About It.280737458 689998618923099 5161899952339563304 nClick Above To Order Your Copy

That book came out at the same time I launched Boomerocity. In fact, Bill was my first interview (here). He was gracious enough to grant me that interview and accepted my friend request on Facebook. We would touch base from time to time and when he let it be known to his friend base that he was publishing an updated version of the book, I had to reach out to him to request an interview.

Just as he did over 13 years ago, Bill obliged, and we had the best time chatting about his story, the first edition of his book, and the updated version. It’s a fun, laid-back, and informative interview that you’ll thoroughly enjoy listening in on if you're a Stones fan . . . or even if you’re not.

After you watch the interview, share it with your friends then click on the book cover on this page to order your copy of the new version of Bill’s book. You can keep up with German at his website, and on Facebook.

One more time, I would like to publicly thank Bill German for granting me my first interview for Boomerocity. It was the first of many "yeses" that have kept me encouraged to keep Boomerocity alive.

The Boomerocity Interview With Bill German