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whoisthedoctorcoverWho Is The Doctor
By Graeme Burk & Robert Smith?
Publisher: ECW Press
Reviewed: April, 2012 by Lacie Patterson

If you are like I was, you may not be able to readily identify a “Dalek”, and if someone utters “Doctor Who”, you probably assume it’s a question.

I challenge you to partake in one episode of the revamped BBC series, Doctor Who, and not be captivated by the adventures of the Doctor as he travels through time saving people and battling evil. Once you are inevitably hooked, quickly get your hands on Who Is The Doctor by Graeme Burk and Robert Smith? (the question mark is not, in fact, a typo). From the most ardent devotees to new-on-the-scene followers, every fan has something to gain from this indispensable handbook.

This book is not a play-by-play plot synopsis to gulp down in one sitting so you can fake your way through a conversation. It is, however, a thought-provoking and educational supplement to the first six series of the re-launched Doctor Who. For new fans, the authors do include a briefing on the original program which aired from 1963 to 1989 making it the longest-running science fiction television series in the world. Once readers are up to speed, Burk and Smith add delightful flavor to current episodes with their witty and thorough analysis. Each section includes a brief overview of the plot, a dissection of references to previous Who episodes and other media, trivia, and a breakdown of irregularities and inconsistencies.

But perhaps the most insightful (and entertaining) element is the authors’ opinions at the end of each entry where Burk and Smith lay out their critiques separately. At the very least, the reader is given plenty of food for thought when watching this layer cake of a production. Though as an added treat, the two often disagree, and the debate that ensues becomes icing… well, you know where I’m headed.

Grab your copy and… Allons-y!